Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA

Connecting, Engaging, and Inspiring
the Pharmacy Community


Speaking Engagements

-Women in Leadership
-Underserved Populations and Medication Access

Coaching Individuals

Career Planning or Interviews.

Advising Companies

Hillary offers consulting for pharmacy related businesses bringing her expertise in healthcare strategy, business development, formulary management, consulting, and establishing successful medication access programs.

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Featured In:


PLP Ep 3. Networking Tips? ThePharmacyGirl.com Personal and Professional Development


Hillary Blackburn on PGX for Pharmacist - PPN Episode 608


YFP 101: How to Get Started with Podcasting - Your Financial


YFP 121: Creating Another Stream of Income as an Airbnb Host


Building Your Personal Brand - Rx Buzz - PPN ... - Omny.fm


Titans of Industry - Buzzsprout


Episode 45 // Need Health Advice? Talk To Your Pharmacist