Our guest, Dustin Lippert is someone I met in Nashville at the Entrepreneur Center. He just redesigned my website hillaryblackburn.com. If you are looking for someone to help with updating your website, he did a fantastic job. Wanted to have him on to talk about the importance of branding.
A bit more about Dustin
Over the last 6 years, between his 9-5 in a marketing agency and growing his own clients on the side, Dustin Adam Lippert has created identity systems for local, regional, and national brand ranging from startups to companies with annual revenue of $600 million. In the process he partnered with architectural firms, IT departments, interior design teams, and tech teams to implement brand assets across every medium including print, digital, and environmental products. On the side of his day job, Dustin successfully freelances with several of his own clients doing UI/UX for webdesign, branding, and independent consulting.
Main points:
1) What is design? – Good design solves both visible and invisible problems with visible and invisible solutions.
2) A few ways design is changing/influencing the pharmacy industry.
3) What to consider when rebranding or launching a pharmacy’s identity system and website.
4) How to apply ‘design thinking’ to your everyday life.
How I Can Help Your Listeners
1) Brand Audit (We want to hear your goals then take a look at everything from your current logo and identity system,
2) Identity Design
3) UIUX Design
4) Print Design
Dustin Lippert
Email: dustinadamlippert@gmail.com
Phone: 615.631.5525
Instagram — @dustinadamlippert
Linkedin — linkedin.com/in/dustinadamlippert
Host – Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA
@talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook
@HillBlackburn Twitter