Financial Tips with Advisor, Jessica Holte

In this episode, we’re talking about finances with financial advisor, Jessica Holte. Student loan debt is one of biggest things facing the millennial generations and is at all time high ~1.5 Trillion. Jessica shares insights about the following:
-Student loans. Should you refinance, are you taking advantage of loan forgiveness but considering the debt leftover (taxation)
-Taking advantage of work benefits. However, there may be pitfalls in the benefits offered
(some pharmacists may start working for one company as an intern, do they continue to work there when they offer to pay off loans?, etc)
-401k savings and other ways to save for retirement
Whether you are a student pharmacist or later in your career, it is important to have a good understanding of your finances to set yourself and your future family up for success.

Guest – Jessica Holte
Host – Hillary Blackburn, PharmD
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