Simplifying Informatics with Dr. Tony Dao

Guest – Tony Dao, PharmD, CPHIMS

Tony shares that his informatics day to day is broken down into:
1) Breaks & Fixes
2) Requests
3) Long Term Projects
Tony’s hobbies include running an escape room business, writing music and performing magic.
Main points from the episode:
1. Why did I get into pharmacy informatics?
2. How did I get trained, was it on the job or was it beforehand? Day to day?
3. COVID-19 and how healthcare informatics/IT is changing
4. What is the point of my podcast and pharmacy informatics academy?
5. Why the escape room business, what does it have to do with pharmacy?

Host – Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA
@talktoyourpharmacist Instagram and Facebook
@HillBlackburn Twitter